Innerchi Medical Disclaimer

Practicing Chi Gung and Tai Chi seeks to support the care of your existing GP, doctor, physician, specialist, or therapist.

  • It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition.
  • It’s not intended to take you away from your current medical, health or recovery programs.
  • It is not intended to provide an alternative to all other relevant professional advice.
  • It is not intended to replace the services of your physician, or to provide an alternative to professional medical diagnosis or treatment.

If you think you have any type of medical condition you must first seek advice from your GP or physician.

If in doubt, you should always consult with your GP or physician and other relevant health professionals before practicing any technique or applying any information provided by Hugo Douglas or Innerchi.

Innerchi is not a medical institute and Hugo Douglas is not a health provider, and therefore he cannot and will not diagnose illness nor give medical advice regarding treatment.

All information presented, techniques taught and advice given through Innerchi and Hugo Douglas are intended for informational and educational purpose only.

Your safety is the top priority. You are responsible to make the final decision to determine whether the environment, condition and situation (personal or environmental) are safe for you to practice, or continue to practice any technique you learned from Hugo Douglas or Innerchi.

Any physical or other distress experienced during or after any exercise should not be ignored and should be brought to the attention of a healthcare professional.

Innerchi and Hugo Douglas are not responsible and have no liability whatsoever for any damage, injury or negative side-effects relating in any way to your application of the information provided.

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